
Happenings and updates from around the Rocky Mountain District

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Virtual Leadership Academy – Jan 27, 2024

Virtual Leadership Academy – Jan 27, 2024

As our chapter elections are wrapping up and the new board members are getting into position, we extend our congratulation to all our newly elected Chapter Officers and Chapter Leaders in the Rocky Mountain District. As is our custom to support and assist our...

Fall Convention Information

Fall Convention Information

TL;DR: Join us for TONS OF FUN in Ogden, Utah, Sep 21-23 Convention Registration, Lodging, and Chorus and Quartet Contest entries are now open! If you want to sing in Harmony Platoon, please register now so you can learn your songs! Stay up to date on the full...

Final Convention Update!

Final Convention Update!

Excitement is growing as our spring convention in Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 20-22 2023 gets closer! It is sure to be a fantastic weekend featuring LOTS of great singing, coaching, education, and friendship!!

2023 Spring Convention Update!

2023 Spring Convention Update!

Excitement is growing as our spring convention in Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 20-22 2023 gets closer! It is sure to be a fantastic weekend featuring LOTS of great singing, coaching, education, and friendship!!

2023 Harmony College and Spring Convention Information

2023 Harmony College and Spring Convention Information

RMD Spring Convention Details! April 21-23, 2023, in Cheyenne, WY   We are looking forward to what will be a fantastic convention in Cheyenne, Wyoming the weekend of April 21-23, 2023. We are planning an action-packed weekend of fun, fellowship, education, and a...

RMD District Contest Details Announced!

Official RMD Fall 2022 Contest Format Adam ReimnitzRMD VP Contest & Judging Greetings to all singers in the Rocky Mountain District! This year, Rocky Mountain District will be having our first all voices quartet and chorus contests. What does that mean? All...