The quartet is the original and enduring form of barbershop harmony. There are quartets throughout the Rocky Mountain District that would love to sing for you: Singing Valentine, birthday or other private parties, corporate gigs– you name it!
Quartets– to be added to this page, please email webmaster@rmdsing.org.


Sound Check
Sound Check is the Premier Barbershop Quartet for the Utah and Salt Lake Counties. We perform and entertain for all occasions. Book us for your next party!
Visit them on Facebook!

ABQ, the 2017 RMD Senior Quartet Champion, sings barbershop the way you like it – solid, four-part harmony that’s entertaining, upbeat, and lively. Fees cheerfully quoted.
Call 505-401-4963 or visit them on Facebook!

Sophisticated Gentlemen
Your current 2023 RMD 3rd place quartet finalist, and 2024 International Seniors Quartet 4th place Bronze Medalist!
“Soph Gent” is based out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Please contact Shawn Mondragon to schedule a performance at 505-934-1003 or email at drac888@aol.com

My Favorite Quartet
My Favorite Quartet, based out of Denver and Fort Collins, Colorado, brings musical experiences from various forms over several decades. Their love of music and each other can be heard in their performances. Join in on their shenanigans at their next show or your next event!
For more information, please email us or visit us on Facebook or Instagram.

Confluence Quartet are four members of the Sound Of The Rockies, Denver’s premier acappella male chorus. We started out Singing Valentines, moved on to barbershop shows and competitions. We love to sing harmony. Heart Roger, Mark, TJ, & Rich
Visit them on Facebook!

Ember is an a cappella and barbershop group based in Denver, CO. The foursome is made up of Siobhan, Michelle, Ashley, and Mary. They are honored to be a part of Sweet Adelines Region 8, representing both High Country Chorus and Velvet Hills Chorus as well the RMD.

Continuum has been singing together for 7 years! They are a SHOW style quartet, mixing in banter, schtick, and jokes to round out their performance. Their repertoire goes beyond traditional Barbershop songs, including gospel, country, show tunes, and jazz. They sing the songs that you know and can tap your foot along with.
Visit them on Facebook or email them book for your next event!

A Colorado based group of guys who love “lock”ing harmonies. We are four friends who love singing barbershop music. Having known each other since high school, we have been singing together for 8 years. The eldest members of our group have been in quartets together for 14 years! We enjoy competing when we can to improve our skill, but also love performing at shows. Please consider us for your chapter show!
Visit them on Facebook!
Or Start a Quartet!
Of course, feel free to start your own quartet! Check out resources at the Barbershop Harmony Society. A great option is to come to Rocky Mountain Harmony College or one of our conventions. The District has also considered starting some sort of quartet matching service– hit up the webmaster if you might be interested. Finally, the “Let’s Talk (Barber)Shop” group on Facebook is a great place to connect and get advice.
Best of luck! We are all rooting for you!