District Leadership

The District Leadership team consists of an elected Board of Directors as well as an appointed Operations Team. The Leadership team exists to serve the barbershoppers in the Rocky Mountain District and to fulfill the vision of the District: to enrich lives through the lifelong benefits of singing.

If you have questions, ideas, or concerns, please use the list below to find and connect with the appropriate member of the leadership team. If you’re not sure who to reach out to, please contact the President or Executive Vice President.

Board of Directors

Tony Sparks

Mark Andromidas

District President

Mark began his barbershop career as a high-school student on Long Island, NY, where he was assigned to sing with the barbershop quartet in the school’s performance of Music Man. He attended a local BHS chapter a couple times as a youth where his interest in the style began, though he wouldn’t revisit it until many years later. After graduating in 1996 from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, he returned to live on Long Island and work in New York City. As the internet came to life, he rediscovered the BHS and listened frequently to the few songs posted for free on the website. Upon moving to the Salt Lake City area in 2005, he coincidentally attended a Church class while staying with a friend and the teach taught of harmony in life and happened to mention his barbershop chorus. That chorus was the Saltaires. Mark joined immediately, was assigned to sing “the easy part” since the annual spring show was a couple months later, and the rest is Mark’s barbershop history. He was quickly asked to serve as EVP of the Saltaires without having any idea what he was getting into. That led him to be in leadership of the Saltaires continually since then, serving as VP of whatever or President until today. Mark was honored to serve as the 2019 BHS Local Convention Chairman for the international convention in Salt Lake City and to be recognized as RMD Barbershopper of the Year later that year due to that effort. He’s pleased to serve now as RMD EVP and to learn more about district operations and leadership and he looks forward to serving the members of the RMD for the next season of his barbershop career.

Mark currently works as the CFO of FamilySearch International and the Director of Finance/Controller for the Family History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Tony Sparks

Adam Mahan

Executive Vice President

Brett Foster

Tony Pranaitis

District Secretary

Tony is here to help with any administrative concerns in your chapter.  He’s been a barbershopper for 25 years, and has served on the District Board in various capacities for over 20 of those years. He loves working in youth outreach, enabling others to discover the joy of singing that has enriched his life, which is also why he enjoys helping chapters succeed. Quartet singing is his favorite barbershop experience, and he’s been singing in the UltraSoniX quartet for over 20 years.

Tony is a Doctor of Chiropractic, in solo practice since 1978, and he’s been raising dairy goats for over 40 years. He does most of his listening to learning tracks while milking goats and doing other chores. He and his wife are avid tandem bicycle riders, and they also have a couple tandem kayaks, one of which is at Grand Lake. His wife has a bachelor’s degree in vocal music and without her, he doubts he could have survived learning to sing barbershop. They’ve been singing duets together with his guitar since before they were married, and have also sung in quartets together.  They have 3 kids and 9 grandkids.

Tony Sparks

Lynn Hill


The RMD Treasurer keep records and reports updated while providing them to board members and House of Delegates.

Brett Foster

Tony Sparks

Immediate Past President and VP, Events

Tony’s vision for District Leadership is to be Viable, Valuable, and Vital to the membership, supporting each singer and chapter in having a great barbershop experience.

Tony has been singing publicly since third grade, performing in choruses and choirs throughout secondary school and into college. At the University of Colorado, Boulder, he studied music theory and performance. Tony has directed three men’s choruses, and currently directs a young women’s chorus in Albuquerque called On Q.

He developed a particular love for a cappella harmony while in junior high school, and sang in his first competitive barbershop quartet in ninth grade. He eventually went on to sing for nearly twenty years with an internationally-ranked medalist quartet, Bank Street, that performed throughout the U.S. as well as in Canada and England.

Today, in addition to directing On Q, Tony is a vocal coach, arranger, and Certified Music Judge for barbershop contests. He is actively involved in promoting a cappella music and arts
collaboration throughout the Albuquerque community, and especially enjoys working with young people to help ignite in them a life-long love of music.

Operations Team

Jacque Reinig

Ron Black

VP, Chorus Director Development

As the District Director for Chorus Director Development, Ron’s role is to both be available to communicate with Chapter Music Directors, and to offer assistance and even visit chapters to coach the Director and provide improvements in his or her skills.

Ron Black is a 51 year BHS member.  Ron majored in Renaissance vocal and instrumental performance. Instead of pursuing graduate studies in England, he stumbled on to barbershop quartet singing!  He sang bass in both Far Western District Semi-Finalist quartets Great Western Timbre Company and Rhythm and Rhyme. He directed the Fresno Gold Note Chorus to seventh-place international competition in 1984 and 1985, and the Heart of Texas Chorus in six international competitions, placing as high as 9th in the contest in 2008 in Nashville.  In 1985 he became a Sound Category judge, then in 1993 the first Singing Category Specialist, then the Music Category, then chair of Contest and Judging in 1995-1996. He retired from judging after over 30 years in 2017.  Ron has coached many quartets and choruses in the U.S. and abroad.  He continues to be on the Harmony University faculty, now in his 33rd year there.  He is included in the BHS publication “Visions Of Excellence”, as one of 25 finest directors in the Barbershop Harmony Society.  He is thoroughly enjoying directing the Longs Peak Chorus, starting just two years ago.  In his infrequent spare time he eats, sleeps, and writes computer accounting software.

Adam Reimnitz

VP, Music & Performance

As the Vice President of Music and Performance, Adam is responsible for all music activities within the District that will improve and expand the musical knowledge andperformance abilities of the membership including to organize and administer Music & Performance events and programs, such as RMHC (Rocky Mountain Harmony College), quartet development schools, Top Gun, and educational outreach programs.

Adam has a long history with music and barbershop beginning in middle school with his first quartet. He has gone on to become a sought after coach & arranger and was an active Music judge for almost 20 years. Adam has 3 district quartet championships – MOJO (2006), The Crew (2011), & Jam Session (JAD- 2014). He also has multiple bronze medals and served as tenor section leader and primary arranger for The Sound of the Rockies. In his spare time, Adam enjoys his busy life with his Sweet Ad wife, Heather and (soon to be Sweet Ad) daughter, Emilia. Outside of barbershop, you will probably find him cooking, golfing, playing drums, or watching sports with friends.

Shawn Mondragon

VP, Marketing & Public Relations

Shawn Mondragon has been a very active member in his home distric, the Rocky Mountain District, since joining the Society in 1985! Shawn is a certified Performance Judge in the Barbershop Harmony Society since 2013, and is a sought after coach for quartets and choruses. He has been a member of the New Mexichords, and a founding member of the Duke City Sound in Albuquerque. He has sung Lead in three Rocky Mountain District Quartet Champions: Distinction (2000), the Summit (2007), and Blue Steele (2015). His RMD 2007 champion quartet, the Summit, was also the FINAL Buckeye International Invitational Quartet Champion in 2007. Shawn recently competed in the 2024 International Seniors Quartet Championship where his quartet, Sophisticated Gentlemen, recieved a 4th place Bronze medal. He is currently serving on the RMD board as a VP of Marketing, and was a previous VP of Music and Performance.

When Shawn is not coaching or judging, he can be heard on the air in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he is currently the #1 Radio personality on the morning drive shift as “Chaz Malibu”, on KABG BIG 98.5 (listen to him anywhere in the world at www.big985.com)! He has been an on-air radio personality for over 40 years!

Bob Lawson

VP, District Representative for Contest & Judging

Bob has been a Barbershopper since 2003 at the invitation of a friend from Lion’s Clubs. The chorus was not very good, but it was fun and introduced him to this fabulous hobby. He transferred to the Bernalillo County Chapter in 2007 and performed on the International Stage with Bernalillo County twice, in 2013 & 2015.
Outside of Barbershop, Bob shares his home in Albuquerque with his little dog Faye. He was married to Nancy for over 35-years prior to her passing.

Bob works for Bank of America to finance his Barbershop habit.

Scott Anderson

VP, Financial Development and Review

Scott’s love of barbershop was passed down from his dad, who brought home a Bluegrass Student Union album from the 1980 international convention.  Scott joined the BHS in 2011 with The Kentuckians Chorus in Lexington, Kentucky.  He was fortunate to sing briefly with three other choruses before settling down in Syracuse, Utah where he works as a Business Analyst.  In 2014 he founded North Front Sound, which chartered with BHS as the Golden Spike UT chapter.  He twice served as president of the chapter and currently holds the role of VP of Music.  He produces vocal learning tracks for quartets and choruses and loves to spread the joy of singing.  He loves singing in quartets and dabbles in arranging.
When not singing, Scott plays fantasy basketball, golfs poorly, and tries in vain to keep weeds out of his garden.  He makes a mean spaghetti sauce.  His ambitions include learning to golf well, being 6’3″, and becoming as cool as Tim Waurick.

Mark Palmer

VP, Technology Services

My name is Mark Palmer, and I am a 28 year member of the Rocky Mountain District. I started in 1995 with the Mile High Experience Chorus. I was part of the Board of Directors when the Denver Tech Sound of the Rockies and the Mile High Experience merged in 2000. I am proud that I have competed every time the Sound of the Rockies has competed at the BHS Internationals, including the epic 2006 3rd place finish in Denver.

I joined the Board of Directors of Sound of the Rockies in 2014 as a Board Member at Large. I slowly moved my way up the ladder in chorus leadership. I was Membership VP of the chorus from 2017-2018– I loved my position, and the chapter was very successful with their membership at that time. In 2019, I was honored to accept the position of President of the Mile High Chapter. The biggest accomplishment during that year was Sound of the Rockies having the honor of performing for the 75th
Anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France.

In 2021 I led a team to merge the Mile High Chapter with the Boulder Chapter to have a mixed chorus as part of our chapter. The Mile High Chapter now has a youth chorus, a mixed chorus and a men’s chorus.
Truly, everyone in harmony.

Now, as VP of Membership for the Rocky Mountain District, I am excited to bring my knowledge and energy to help all chapters in the district keep their members and grow!

Bruce Sellnow

VP, Chapter Development

Bruce Sellnow is a transplant from the Far Western District, relocating here to Colorado in 2018. Over many years in the FWD, he played an integral part in the merger of the Golden Valley Chorus in Northern California and Voices In Harmony in the Bay Area with Dr. Greg Lyne. Bruce was also on the team that formed Voices of California in Sacramento. He was the Front Line Director for the GVC from 2010-2018. He has been on staff for the FWD Youth Harmony Camp every year since 2001, and was Coordinator of the FWD High School Quartet Contest for 20 years ending in 2019. Bruce also chaired several Division Contests and the NorCal Novice Quartet Contest with the GVC hosting.

Since moving to Colorado, Bruce was appointed as Associate Director for the Longs Peak Chorus, and is singing baritone in the quartet Sounds Appealing, RMD Seniors Quartet Champions for 2022. He accepted the call to serve on your district board as VP-CSLT, and is looking forward to assisting RMD chapters with leadership development. He and his wife Nancy are loving Colorado since moving here, so make sure you walk up and say hi at the next district convention!

Chelsea Asmus

VP, Youth in Harmony

Chelsea Asmus is a life-long barbershopper. She holds her Bachelors in Music Performance from the University of Alaska, Anchorage as well as certifications in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to adults from the TEFL Online Institute in Chicago, and Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Children from Columbia’s Teaching College.
Chelsea has performed and taught around the globe. Her time abroad includes spending two years in China teaching and developing curriculum for Disney. Chelsea is a barbershop quartet and chorus nerd. She started directing choruses when she was 18 years old and has taken 3 choruses–men’s and women’s–to international competitions.
Chelsea has been a voice coach for choruses all over the world, taught marching and winter percussion ensembles, and has taught directors classes at the Rocky Mountain District Leadership Academy (COTS). She attends as many international conventions as she can to cheer on her dad who sings with Sound of the Rockies.
By day, Chelsea works as a Business Revenue Support Specialist for an affordable housing non-profit. By night, she is an ice hockey referee, zamboni driver and rental skate shop manager where the Colorado Avalanche practice, and actor in a musical theater improv group. She doesn’t sleep much and is always tired, but loves the life she leads! Chelsea would like to thank each and every one of you for celebrating barbershop with us!
Jacque Reinig

Jacque Reinig

Awards Chair

Jacque Reinig joined Sweet Adelines International in 1985 while attending Montana State University. Her father, Bob Saltee, was a Barbershopper for over 50 years and she is proud to be a Barbershop “Brat”. After graduating with a degree in Graphic Design, Jacque moved to Denver and
became a member of the High Country Chorus. She is grateful to have had the opportunity to learn and grow with the Chorus and had the privilege of being the Front Line Director from 2002-2014. Since retiring from that role, she enjoys serving as an Assistant Director, Bass Section Leader, Choreographer and Visual Coordinator for the Chorus. Her love of Barbershop music and dancing go hand in hand as
she choreographs and trains the Chorus Tap Group – High Country on Tap. She has been a member of several quartets and currently sings Bass with Cabaret Quartet. Jacque has coached Men’s and Women’s Choruses and Quartets throughout her Sweet Adeline career and continues to learn from these experiences. Above all, she is most grateful for the wonderful friendships she has made while singing, dancing and ringing those beautiful Barbershop chords.

Tyler Wigginton

Ben Petersen


Ben Petersen has been singing informally since he was young – either in church or as a part of a youth singing group. In highschool, he signed up to try out for an advanced singing group in highschool, and has enjoyed singing everywhere he could since then.

Ben lives in Layton, UT, with his wife and their three daughters. They are his biggest supporters, and cheer him on like he was on stage with the greatest of them.

Professionally Ben has been a Software Engineer, working in multiple languages, and on a good mix of desktop applications and website applications. More recently he is wading in deep to the Application Security side of development. 

While he is relatively new to Barbershop, he is willing to learn new tags, and with enough time, sing anywhere, anytime, because of the joy it brings.

Jacque Reinig

Brett Foster
